Photo courtesy of The Global Composition 2018 Juliana Carla Bastos (Brazil)
@laboratoriodesons, [email protected] Gathering the discussions and yearnings of three generations of acoustic ecology scholars, the The Global Composition 2018 (TGC2018) was an opportunity to broaden and deepen our understandings on the diversity of listening, an experience framed by the impressive silence of the Mediencampus of Dieburg. Some aspects evoked during the four days of TGC2018 that are worth mentioning are:
These are some notes on the TGC2018 that aim not only to contribute to the acoustic ecology initiatives initiated in Tuning of the World 1993, but also to discover ways of approaching the area in a diverse world and in need of discussions and studies about the sonorous that surrounds us and defines us as human beings. Comments are closed.
December 2024