Currently, eight World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) Affiliate Organizations represent the interests of individuals and carry out activities in our network according to local, cultural, and national affinities.
Affiliate Membership is intended for organizations who wish to take an active role in the leadership and functioning of the WFAE. Any properly constituted organization may apply for Affiliated membership.
Once approved, an Affiliated Organization pays a nominated component from each of its individual member's fees to the WFAE and is required to nominate one representative to the Board of the WFAE. Members of Affiliate Organizations enjoy the following benefits of membership:
have voting rights in ballots of the membership at large
will be able to participate in WFAE projects, sometimes at reduced rates.
Many affiliates have started with only a small group of dedicated individuals. The WFAE strongly supports such efforts and welcomes inquires about planning for an affiliate organization in your region of the world.
For more information, contact the WFAE membership officer at [email protected]