The WFAE Online Library is currently rebuilding its library of global perspectives on acoustic ecology. The WFAE is making a call for more submissions, as announced on the WFAE newsletter in October 2018.
We invite both WFAE Affiliates and Individual members to submit publications, projects, conferences and other media for inclusion in this database. You are welcome to submit more than once to each category. To learn how to become a WFAE member, please visit our Membership Page. Please note submissions in English are preferred, but we will accept submissions in any native language of our affiliate organizations. The online submission form is at: . The deadline for the next round of publications is 1 June 2019 (it will continue as an ongoing process after that). We invite all WFAE Affiliates and Individual members to promote this Call for submissions to the WFAE Online Library to your networks. Thank you for your collaboration. We look forward to refreshing the library and making it available. |
December 2024