The acoustic ecology discussion list is an active international network where members share new research, promote events and conferences calls, pose questions and encourage collaborations. The list is a great platform to learn more about the global acoustic ecology community.
Posting: Send emails to [email protected]. Use "Reply All" to respond to the entire group. CC or BCC yourself to be certain of seeing your own posts.
Unsubscribing: Click the "unsubscribe" link in any email or send an email to [email protected]. Ensure the request is from your subscribed email address. PLEASE DO NOT POST UNSUBSCRIBE REQUESTS TO THE LIST AS A WHOLE.
Subscribing: Email [email protected] and follow the confirmation instructions. Check spam folders if needed. The most reliable way to confirm is to reply to the confirmation instructions, using the same address that sent the subscription request. Clicking on the “Join This Group” button will only work if you are subscribing from a Gmail address.