EXTENDED - Deadline 15 October 2022, midnight Pacific Standard Time. Accepted proposals announced 1 November 2022.
The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology invites your proposals for paper presentations, workshops, performances, and installations for its first hybrid virtual and in person international conference since 2011.
Conference organizers are committed to assembling a dynamic program with a diverse range of voices on topics of and inspired by acoustic ecology. The WFAE encourages proposals from artists and researchers at all stages of their careers, regardless of association with formal academia.
Listening Pasts - Listening Futures convenes a global cohort as we mark the 30th anniversary of the founding of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), and the first international conference on acoustic ecology in the United States of America. Now, as we mark this moment, we gather to consider how we can collectively and differently learn from the past, to imagine new futures based on a diversity of listening practices and acoustic relationships in our worlds. As the wider field of sound studies has matured, so have the contributions made by acoustic ecology to much current sonic scholarship and practice. At the same time, critical directions in sound studies have addressed the legacies of the World Soundscape Project and acoustic ecology directly: this is our chance, as a community, to reflect, look back, and re-imagine the core values of our field, its central approaches, methods, and key theorists of past, present, and future. We know acoustic ecology and soundscape studies have much still to give to the world at a pivotal environmental awakening.
The conference is organized in partnership with Atlantic Center for the Arts (ACA) and the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), with options to attend in person or virtually.
Among the appeals of ACA are its support of soundscape studies with the Soundscape Field Station artist residency and related programming, especially our shared mission and values of community engagement. These values reflect the topics in which we invite proposals including paper presentations, workshops, performances, and installations.
Located near the Canaveral National Seashore, in the unceded lands of the Seminole people, Atlantic Center for the Arts offers access to the beauty of this wild coastal habitat. Mangroves, manatees, and Spanish moss are here in one of the region’s last remaining areas protected from development.
Topics may include:
Sound mapping
Indigenous and Deep Listening
Ecoacoustics and bioacoustics
Health and healing
Communication and biosemiotics
Mobility and locative technology
Architecture and urban planning
Listening as activism: moving beyond the walls of academia
Submission format
Please submit a 2000 character abstract/description of your proposed presentation, workshop, performance, or installation via the WFAE submission portal, along with your spatial and technical needs. Due to language limitations of the review panel, all submission texts must be provided in English and/or with English translations.
Call for Proposals (Categories)
Presentations (including papers and virtual Works-in-Progress)
Visitor's Center & Gallery - capacity 150 (electrical outlets and wifi available) Open to the Public Tues-Sat.
Harris Black Box Theater - capacity 100 (full lighting/audio/projector/seating on risers) Perfect for main gathering and keynote
Painting Studio - capacity 50 (electrical outlets and wifi available)
Sculpture Studio - capacity 30 (electrical outlets and wifi available)
Dance Studio - capacity 75 (electrical outlets and wifi available)
Fieldhouse - capacity 25 (electrical outlets and wifi available)
Music Studio - capacity 30 (electrical outlets and wifi available)
Library - capacity 10 (electrical outlets and wifi available)
Some audio equipment is available at ACA, but specific gear should be rented or supplied by the artist. For example, ACA has eight Genelec speakers and two Mackie monitors, but no other concert specific audio gear.