Thursday 24 October 18-22h (open end) Gummenstr.1 / 3555 Kröschenbronx / CH EAR is a place in the world and a way of observing the world. We facilitate interdisciplinary research, art, and action to pave the way for sustainable, respectful and just communities EAR is about exploring life with and ways of being alive. Our entry point to this exploration starts with our ears. EAR supports an expanding culture of listening. Can we practice listening as a starting point to unwind environmental stress? Or amuse in far different ways as you are used to? How can listening nourish you in the needs that empower you being you? EAR is exploring aspects of listening in many ways and has recently developped the - EARphone - an analog headphone that is juxtaposed to the speeding up of society. It is a kind of contemplation tool that lacks battery, wifi, bluetooth and AI. It is there to listen to yourself since it is a sensible instrument reacting to your movement in real time. The Listening session of 24.10. will have an extended timewindow - since it is very central in Switzerland but not that easy to reach.
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October 2024